While we often search for the destination, it’s in the journey that we learn so my journey, like most, started very different than how I anticipated it would turn out.
I started my professional career as a dancer at the age of twenty then I approached Gyrotonic because of a knee problem in 2007 and to improve flexibility.
I carried on an international performing activity dancing with ensemble of Imperial Russian Ballet, Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra, National Theater in Belgrade, National Opera of Olomouc, National Theater of Sibiu, etc. touring all over Italy, Spain, Serbia, Germany, Romania, Czech Republic, Japan, South Korea.
In March 2015, after have been practicing the Gyrotonic Method for about 8 years as a client, I started my journey to become a Gyrotonic and Gyrokinesis instructor, studying in Rome with Pietro Gagliardi.
At the same time I started deepening my Yoga practice, reading more about body/mind connections and spiritual philosophy.
My enthusiasm, my desire to share these practices with others and the passion for travelling, led me to travel and share my passion in Asia, where I stayed for about a year: I fulfilled another of my childhood dream.
I was a successful Instructor in different fitness and pilates centers in Tokyo but I was unhappy: too much stress, inhumane working hours with the pressure to live in a society where only if you make lot of money you are successful.

While we often search for the destination, it’s in the journey that we learn so my journey, like most, started very different than how I anticipated it would turn out.
Born and raised in southern Italy, I started as a child studying music; because of my insecure character, I never imagined that one day, almost by chance, I would start dancing and that this “meeting” eventually would completely changed my life.
I dropped out of university because I felt this “path” imposed by society was not mine so I suddenly left my hometown, my family and moved to Rome in order to pursue my dream: become a dancer!
I was too determined to succeed, I was “feeling” it somehow; so I started my professional career as a dancer at the age of twenty and carried on an international performing activity dancing with ensemble of Imperial Russian Ballet, Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra, Wiener Volksoper, National Theater in Belgrade, National Opera of Olomouc, National Theater of Sibiu, etc. touring all over Italy, Spain, Serbia, Germany, Romania, Czech Republic, Japan, South Korea.
I approached GYROTONIC® Method because of a knee problem in 2007 and to improve flexibility, then in 2015, after have been practicing constantly the GYROTONIC® Method for about 8 years, I started my journey to become a GYROTONIC® and GYROKINESIS® instructor, studying in Rome with Master Trainer Pietro Gagliardi, who eventually became my mentor.
At the same time I started deepening my Yoga practice, reading more about body/mind connections and spiritual philosophy.
My enthusiasm, my desire to share these practices with others and the passion for travelling, led me to move and share my passion in Asia, where I stayed for about a year: I fulfilled another of my childhood dream.
I was a successful instructor in different pilates and fitness centers in Tokyo, I was dancing and teaching ballet, I couldn't complain at all about my earnings and savings, but I was unhappy: too much stress, inhumane working hours with the pressure to live in a society where you are successful only if you make lot of money.
At that time work and money were the only things that matter: I was empty.

Everything changed basically in one night, when in a pub in Tokyo, by chance I met people who spoke Spanish and I realized that Japan was not the right place for me; I needed a radical change, to get back into my own skin and detach from material possessions.
Back to Europe, I stumbled upon Ashtanga Yoga and fully immersed myself into a devoted practice, I met Vairagya Ranko (a disciple of Sri K. Pattabhi Jois, Sharath Jois and authorized KPJAYI level II teacher) in Belgrade.
I entered his Shala full of my ego, but he widened my mind and helped reveal what yoga truly is and he was a great inspiration for my practice, since then, I’ve continued to draw inspiration from a daily visit to the mat.
My will to improve and to learn more about Yoga and its philosophy, made me decide to travel and study in India; I met Guru Ramesh Sheety (a disciple of BNS Iyengar) in Mysore, I studied Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga, adjustments, yoga philosophy, anatomy and yoga diet.
I continued travelling, studying, practicing and sharing my knowledge and experience in many contries: Indonesia, China, Hong Kong, Cambodia, Vietnam, Spain, Serbia.

Those who love India know: It hurts to stay away from her so that the next year I returned.
I went to Rishikesh the city by Holy Ganga river, I studied Hatha and Vinyasa Flow Yoga, yoga therapy, yoga anatomy, yoga philosophy, Ayurveda and meditation.
I had chance to study different meditation techniques with Guru Swami Atmatattwananda Saraswati and at same time I approached Vipassana meditation.
I’ve traveled all over the world experiencing many different cultures and ways of life, discovering interest in books that changed my life: Bhagavadgītā, Yoga Sutra of Patanjali and The Upanishads.
After two years in Spain, working without being completely satisfied, the world faced COVID-19 so I spent my three months in lockdown meditating and trying to understand the meaning of life, practicing and especially studying yoga philosophy.
Life is too short to waste time on running after money, giving up on our dreams; so I kept fighting for what I believe in.
Finally in 2022, I went back to Mysore and practiced for a month with Paramaguru Sharath Jois, the lineage holder of Ashtanga Yoga, at the Sharath Yoga Center; in the same month I studied Sanskrit and deepen my knowledge in philosophy with Lakshmisha Bhat with a focus on Hatha Yoga Pradipika and Patanjali Sutras.
After returning from India, I have been deepening, day by day, my studies on philosophy, and have started yoga philosophy course with Swami Tadatmananda, with a focus on Advaita Vedanta, in the tradition of Pujya Swami Dayananda.
Over the years by traveling, reading, studying, meditating, experimenting and practicing I realized that body, that had always been in the middle for me, it's just a “tool". As well as mind and breath, they are instruments to find the path to understand our real nature, to get rid of this impermanent material world and from the ego; my Dharma is to teach how to use these tools, no matter which is your faith, religion or aim of your practice.
After so many years sharing and teaching as led instructor in Teacher Training Centers, I decided, with the support of my family, to open a yoga and spiritual research center Yogābhyāsa in Valencia, with the aim of creating a community, where everyone can choose the most suitable yoga style and find their own “path”.
Every year, I deepen my Yoga and GYROTONIC® studies attending courses and updates on biomechanics and anatomy applied to movement; this allows me to combine the knowledge of various movement systems offering the best from each technique I know.
As Confucious said: “Choose a job you love and you will never have to work a day in your life.” so that I’ve turned my passion into my way of living.
I currently share my Yoga, GYROTONIC® and GYROKINESIS® knowledge around the world, working as a Teacher Trainer.